Hilarious Story with a Twist !

 A woman is having an affair during the day while her husband is at work.

Her 9 year old child gets back home startlingly, sees them and covers up in the room storeroom to watch. 

The lady's significant other additionally comes home. She places her sweetheart in the storage room, not understanding that the young man is in there as of now. The young man says, "Dim in here." The man says, "Truly, it is." 

Kid – "I have a baseball." 

Man – "That is pleasant." 

Kid – "Need to get it?" 

Man – "No, much appreciated." 

Kid – "My father's outside." 

Man – "alright, what amount?" 

Kid – "$250" 

In the following not many weeks, it happens again that the kid and the darling are in the wardrobe together. 

Kid – "Dim in here." 

Man – "Truly, it is." 

Kid – "I have a mitt." 

The darling recalling the last time, asks the kid, "What amount?" 

Kid – "$750" 

Man – "Fine."

A couple of days after the fact, the dad says to the kid, "Get your glove, we should head outside and have a round of catch." 

The kid says, "I can't, I sold my baseball and my glove." 

The dad asks, "What amount did you sell them for?" 

Kid – "$1,000" 

The dad says, "That is horrible to cheat your companions that way… that is much more than those two things cost. I will take you to chapel and cause you to admit." 

They go to the church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door. The boy says, “Dark in here.” The priest says, “Don’t start that shit again.”

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