WHAT LIFE LOOKS LIKE BEFORE AND AFTER 30 in Relationship Shocking published on September 30, 2020 What was significant in our 20’s, becomes not such a big priority when we turn 30, and vice versa. Tweet Share Share Share Previous Post This Math Problem Is Driving the Internet Crazy! Next Post Happy Couple Proves Vacations Can Be A Crazy Time post written by: Positive Minds Related PostsOne day, all you'll have is the memories When spending time with your parents seems like too much effort, remember . . .one day, all you'll have is the memories. Parent… Continue ReadingTo Be Happy 🙏💜 Be happy because you deserve it. … Continue ReadingI hate two faced people It’s so hard to decide which face to slap first. It's not always everybody gets fair and happy life, many people deal with thi… Continue ReadingHow to achieve your goals ? In this post, you learn 7 simple habits to be more productive in life. … Continue Reading